Forgot your @education password
If you have a mobile number associated with your account, click "Forgot Password" at login, and receive a code on your phone.
This is the fastest and simplest way to get back online. The I.T. department can help you set this up, or you can follow this guide.
If you do not have a mobile number associated with your account, the I.T. department can reset your password with a temporary one, which can onlymust be changedupdated afterwithin 7 days.
Note: You must wait at least 24 hours andafter mustbeing begiven updateda withintemporary 7password, update the password.
Staff can also register for self-service password resets by setting up three security questions here:
Ifmust you havebe set up 2FA,beforehand. you can add your mobile number. This allows you to click "Forgot Password" and receive a code on your phone, bypassingSee the needI.T. todepartment answerfor thesupport securitywith questions.this Setif up the Microsoft Authenticator app as your verification method - Microsoft Supportneeded.