Compass bulk upload photos
Getting ERROR: Class classcode: Number of new and removed enrolments exceeds acceptable threshold. (New: 0.8387097 > 0.75, Removed: 0.7619048 > 0.75)
If the sync is getting the ERROR: Class classcode: Number of new and removed enrolments exceeds a...
Compass Parent Guides
Please follow the below link A guide for parents & families | Compass Education AU
Canteen Orders
Overview Students and Parents can use the Canteen module to order and purchase canteen food. The...
Compass Authentication
As of the 8/08/2024, WRC accounts will no longer be used to log in to Compass. Please remember to...
Compass CRT Accounts
Within Compass, there are 26 generic CRT Accounts (CRT00 to CRT25) with usernames and passwords t...
Canteen menu Availability
To edit an Availability, click the associated edit pencil icon. You can change who can order, Or...
Attendance write back from compass to cases21 fails
Instructions on how to delete these student's enrollments: Go to the student's profile page G...