Zscaler staff access

Due to a change in the way internet is delivered to Warragul Regional College in 2024, staff by default will now have the same access level as students. If Staff install the Zscaler client / software they can then receive the same filtering policy and security profile as regional and corporate staff, which is reasonably open with most content unblocked.
Actions Required:
Staff must install the Zscaler client / software if they require additional access, such as social media and streaming services.
Staff using a BYOD can also choose to have the app installed while connected at school, home or other locations, however it will filter content and inspect internet traffic (blocking bad sites) 24/7. When accessing the internet for personal use the department policy and corporate profile may restrict the user experience.
If you want to later remove the client, a Service Request will need to be lodged to get a password to uninstall the software.
The Zscaler client / software can be obtained from Teams here or via the eduSTAR catalogue (search for zscaler):
Download the installer for your respective OS (Windows/Mac) and follow the prompts to install.
Once the client starts, login with your @education email address, and when given the option, select the top Zscalerone.
Follow any additional prompts, and the client should now be installed and running. Confirm by navigating to facebook.com or some other address which students do not have access to. If you are still blocked or have any other questions, please contact the IT department.
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